Primary Mathematics TSST Course - °ÄÃÅÈýФÈýÂë College


Primary Mathematics TSST Course

Course Objective

To enhance the mathematical subject knowledge of non specialist maths teachers at KS2, based on the new curriculum.

Running Themes

  • Conceptual Understanding (CPA - Concrete, Pictoral and Abstract)
  • Connections between topics
  • Fluency, Reasoning and Problem solving
  • Misconceptions in maths
  • The new curriculum


Course Timetable

Session Name Delivered by °ÄÃÅÈýФÈýÂë Farlingaye Sir Isaac Newton

Effective Mathematics Teaching

To understand the core principles behind how to teach Mathematics effectively

Alison Borthwick/Rose Keating

Saturday 3 November

09:15 - 11:30

Wednesday 31 October

17:00 - 19:15

Thursday 1 November

17:00 - 19:15

Conceptual Understanding

To understand the principles and practicalities behind conceptual Mathematics in the classroom

Alison Borthwick/Rose Keating

Wednesday 28 November

17:00 - 19:15

Tuesday 27 November

17:00 - 19:15

Thursday 29 November

17:00 - 19:15


To understand the importance of seeing links and forming relationships between numbers or values


Wednesday 23 January

17:00 - 19:15

Thursday 17 January

17:00 - 19:15

Tuesday 22 January 

17:00 - 19:15


To explore the strategies required to solve problems by establishing an understanding of patterns and themes


Saturday 2 February

09:15 - 11:30

Thursday 7 February

17:00 - 19:15

Tuesday 12 February

17:00 - 19:15

Problem Solving

To understand and appreciate how pattern is at the heart of Mathematics


Wednesday 13 March

17:00 - 19:15

Thursday 7 March

17:00 - 19:15

Tuesday 12 March

17:00 - 19:15


To understand positional, additive and multiplicative place value and big numbers, decimals and negative numbers

Sophie Kardi


Friday 5 April - Saturday 6th April

at °ÄÃÅÈýФÈýÂë College


For more information email:


To understand the foundations of algebra, including the importance of equals

Alison Borthwick 



To explore the part of Mathematics that is about shapes, sizes, positions and patterns.

Katy Doige

Calculations 1

To explore how effective addition and subtraction strategies underpin much of the curriculum


Calculations 2

To explore how effective multiplication and division strategies underpin much of the curriculum


Bar Modelling

To understand pictorial representations of problems or concepts and their benefit in visualising problems

Alison Borthwick


Numbers in Context

To understand how measures and statistics are numbers in a context

Becky Crabtree


Wednesday 22 May

17:00 - 19:15

Thursday 23 May

17:00 - 19:15

Tuesday 21 May

17:00 - 19:15


To explore fractions as the relationship between the parts of a whole and the whole itself

Alison Borthwick

Saturday 8 June

09:15 - 11:30

Thursday 13 June

17:00 - 17:15

Tuesday 11 June

17:00 - 19:15


Course Timetable Download


The Accreditation Folder

At the beginning of the course each participant will be issued with a folder and it will be their responsibility to complete all sections of the folder over the duration of the course.

  • Reflective Diary - Observations and evaluation from lessons, conversations with pupils other teachers, observations, department meetings, other CPD, reporting or exam marking. The reflective diary should be reviewed at some point during the course to reflect on pedagogical progress.
  • Take-away tasks - Little mathematical tasks based on misconceptions will be given at the end of the session to try out in class with direction of the questions to answer yourself.
  • Observation Feedback - Keep copies of any formal and informal observations you have recieved or given.
  • Mentor/Department Meetings - Include minutes from meetings with your mentor and/or department.
  • Student Voice - At the beginning and the end of the course take feedback from your students on the content and style of your delivery of mathematics.
  • Pen Pic - At the end of the course write a short A4 sized pen pic explaning your personal mathematics and teaching journey throughout the course.

Those that complete at least 70% attendance and can evidence within their folder the 7 key criteria and tasks above will recieve their accreditation certificate.

All materials used by the trainers throughout the course will be available online to all participants.

For the residential weekender a more detailed schedule will be issued nearer the time.


Registration Form

To register for the course please download the below form and send back as requested on the form.

Primary Mathematics TSST Registration form


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